The enemies of our liberty believe that the Silent Majority will continue to remain silent as they burn our cities, loot our businesses, destroy our economy, and topple the heritage that belongs to our children…
We will no longer remain silent. We will no longer watch as politicians seek to appease our enemies. We will no longer stand on the sidelines of the cultural war being waged against us. We will no longer allow our children to be indoctrinated with the godless humanism of government education and the filth produced by Hollywood or to be told that they should be ashamed of their ancestors who built this great land. We will no longer allow a vocal minority to rob our children of the heritage bequeathed to us by our fathers and replace it with their inferior “melting pot” myth that all cultures are created equal. They are not. The civilization built upon the shores and mountainsides of Georgia by our forefathers is superior, and we will not surrender it.
Won’t you join us today in our patriotic stand? Don’t your children and grandchildren deserve as much from you?
Join the Georgia Minutemen today and let our enemies know that we are many.
Click HERE to join with an annual recurring membership of just $10
Click HERE to join with an on-going monthly contribution to the Cause.
After making your contribution, you will be redirected to the Online Membership Page.
Note: By joining the Georgia Minutemen, you affirm that you are at least 18 years of age and agree to abide by the laws of the state of Georgia and by the Constitution of these united States.
Note: Neither membership contributions nor other donations are tax-deductible; but they are worth the sacrifice for our children and grandchildren.
Note: The Georgia Minutemen reserve the right to cancel any membership at any time with or without cause. There are no refunds of any kind for any reason. No activity is endorsed nor sanctioned by the Georgia Minutemen unless it has been posted on this website by permission of the President and Advisory Board of the Georgia Minutemen.